Christelle BARTHE

Tel : 0262 92 11 85

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Lieu de travail : Site de Météo-France

Appartenance : CNRS

Grade : CR1


Mots-clés thématiques :

  • convection profonde et cyclones tropicaux
  • microphysique nuageuse et précipitations
  • activité électrique


Participation aux programmes de recherche de l’UMR :

  • intensification des cyclones tropicaux
  • études des précipitations intenses à La Réunion
  • intéractions aérosols - nuages - précipitations


Responsabilités administratives et scientifiques :

  • Rapporteur d’articles pour les revues Journal of Geophysical Research, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Weather and Forecasting, Atmospheric Research et Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences.
  • Membre du comité d’utilisateurs du Centre de Calcul de l’Université de la Réunion


Collaborations et liens extérieurs : 

  • Laboratoire d’Aérologie (Toulouse) : microphysique et activité électrique des nuages convectifs
  • CNRM-GAME (Toulouse) : développement du modèle Meso-NH, microphysique
  • LERMA (Paris) : activité électrique des systèmes convectifs
  • NCAR (Boulder, CO, USA) : microphysique, et relations dynamique - microphysique - activité électrique
  • Univ. Washington (Seattle, WA, USA) : réseau mondial de détection des éclairs à grande distance (WWLLN)
  • NIHM (Sofia, Bulgarie) : développement du module électrique de Meso-NH


Liste des publications :


  • Bovalo, C., C. Barthe, N. Yu, and N. Bègue, Lightning activity within tropical cyclones in the south-west Indian Ocean. J. Geophys. Res., in press, 2014.
  • Yu, N., C. Barthe, and M. Plu, Evaluating intense precipitation in high-resolution numerical model over a tropical island : impact of model horizontal resolution. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss., 2, 999-1032, doi:10.5194/nhessd-2-999-2014, 2014.
  • Chane Ming, F., C. Ibrahim, C. Barthe, S. Jolivet, P. Keckhut, Y.-A. Liou, and Y. Kuleshov, Observation and a numerical study of gravity waves during tropical cyclone Ivan (2008), Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 641-658, 2014.
  • Baray, J.-L., Y. Courcoux, P. Keckhut, T. Portafaix, P. Tulet, J.-P. Cammas, A. Hauchecorne, S. Godin Beekmann, M. De Mazière, C. Hermans, F. Desmet, K. Sellegri, A. Colomb, M. Ramonet, J. Sciare, C. Vuillemin, C. Hoareau, D. Dionisi, V. Duflot, H. Vérèmes, J. Porteneuve, F. Gabarrot, T. Gaudo, J.-M. Metzger,G. Payen, J. Leclair de Bellevue, C. Barthe, F. Posny, P. Ricaud, A. Abchiche, and R. Delmas, Maïdo observatory : a new high-altitude station facility at Reunion Island (21◦ S, 55◦ E) for long-term atmospheric remote sensing and in situ measurements, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 6, 2865-2877, doi :10.5194/amt-6-2865-2013, 2013.
  • Tsenova, B., C. Barthe, J.-P. Pinty, and R. Mitzeva, Impact of parameterizations based on rime accretion rate and effective water content on simulated with Meso-NH thunderstorms charge distribution, Atmos. Res., 128, 85-97, 2013.
  • Pinty, J.-P., C. Barthe, E. Defer, E. Richard, and M. Chong, Explicit simulations of electrified clouds : from idealized to real case studies, Atmos. Res., doi :10.1016/j.atmosres.2012.04.008, 2013.
  • Bovalo, C., C. Barthe, and N. Bègue, A lightning climatology of the south west Indian ocean, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 12, 2659-2670, doi :10.5194/nhess-12-2659-2012, 2012.
  • Barthe, C., M. Chong, J.-P. Pinty, C. Bovalo, and J. Escobar, CELLS v1.0 : updated and parallelized version of an electrical scheme to simulate multiple electrified clouds and flashes over large domains, Geosci. Model Dev., 5, 167-184, doi :10.5194/gmd-5-167-2012, 2012.
  • Soula, S., 0. van der Velde, J. Montanyà, P. Huet, C. Barthe, and J. Bor, Gigantic Jets produced by an isolated tropical thunderstorm near Réunion island, J. Geophys. Res., 116, D19103, doi:10.1029/2010JD015581, 2011.
  • Barthe, C., C. Mari, P. Tulet, J.-P. Chaboureau, J.-P. Pinty, and F. Roux, Numerical study of tracers transport by a mesoscale convective system over West Africa, Ann. Geophys., 29, 731-747, doi :10.5194/angeo-29-731-2011, 2011.
  • Barthe, C., W. Deierling, and M. C. Barth, The estimation of total lightning from various thundercloud parameters : a cloud-resolving model study, J. Geophys. Res., 115, D24202, doi :10.1029/2010JD014405, 2010.
  • Ibrahim, C., F. Chane-Ming, C. Barthe, and Y. Kuleshov, Gravity waves energy as a possible index of tropical cyclone activity in the South-West Indian Ocean, Geophys. Res. Lett., doi :10.1029/2010GL042938, 2010.
  • Barthe, C., N. Asencio, J.-P. Lafore, M. Chong, and B. Campistron, Multi-scale analysis of the 25-27 July 2006 convective period over Niamey : comparison between Doppler radar observations and simulations, Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., doi :10.1002/qj.539, 190-208, 2010.
  • Barthe, C., and M. C. Barth, Evaluation of a new lightning-produced NOx parameterization for cloud resolving models and of its associated uncertainties, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 8, 4691-4710, 2008.
  • Pinty, J.-P., and C. Barthe, Ensemble simulations of the variability of electrical activity with a mesoscale model, Mon. Wea. Rev., 136(1), 380-387, 2008.
  • Barth, M. C., S.-W. Kim, C. Wang, K. Pickering, L. Ott, G. Stenchikov, M. Leriche, S. Cautenet, J.-P. Pinty, C. Barthe, C. Mari, J. Helsdon, R. Farley, A. Fridlind, A. Ackerman, and V. Spiridinov, Cloud-scale model intercomparison of passive and soluble species transport in deep convection, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 7, 4709-4731, 2007.
  • Barthe, C., and J.-P. Pinty, Simulation of electrified storms with comparisons of the charge structure and lightning flash efficiency, J. Geophys. Res., 112, D19204, doi :10.1029/2006JD008241, 2007.
  • Barthe, C., and J.-P. Pinty, Simulation of a supercellular storm using a three-dimensional mesoscale model with an explicit lightning flash scheme, J. Geophys. Res., 112, D06210, doi :10.1029/2006JD007484, 2007.
  • Barthe, C., J.-P. Pinty, and C. Mari, Lightning-produced NOx in an explicit electrical scheme tested in a Stratosphere-Troposphere Experiment : Radiation, Aerosols, and Ozone case study, J. Geophys. Res., 112, D04302, doi :10.1029/2006JD007402, 2007.
  • Barthe, C., G. Molinié and J.-P. Pinty, An explicit electrical scheme for use in a Cloud Resolving Model, Atmos. Res., 76, 95-113, 2005.


  • Bovalo, C., C. Barthe, J.-P. Pinty, and M. Chong, Potential of cloud-resolving model parameters to be used as proxies for the total flash rate. XV International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, 15-20 June 2014, Norman, OK, USA.
  • Bovalo, C., and C. Barthe, Lightning activity in tropical cyclones in the South-West Indian Ocean. XV International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, 15-20 June 2014, Norman, OK, USA.
  • Pinty, J.-P., M. Chong, and C. Barthe, Simulation of some electrical effects on cloud microphysics : modeling and HyMeX SOP1 (2012) testbed. XV International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, 15-20 June 2014, Norman, OK, USA.
  • Yu, N., C. Barthe, and M. Plu, Sensibility of rainfall simulation to model horizontal grid spacing : impact of complex terrain and shallow convection parameterization. 13th EMS Annual Meeting and 11th European Conference on Applications of Meteorology, 9-13 septembre 2013, Reading, United Kingdom.
  • Pinty, J.-P., M. Chong, E. Defer, C. Barthe, E. Richard, P. Krehbiel, W. Rison, and R. Thomas, Explicit simulations of mixed-phase electrified clouds of the HYMeX-SOP1 experiment with the mesoscale model Meso-NH. 7th European Conference on Severe Storms, 3-7 juin, Helsinki, Finlande.
  • Tsenova, B., J.-P. Pinty, R. Mitzeva, and C. Barthe, Do anomalous zones of non-inductive charging influence the electrical state of the thunderstorms : Numerical experiments with Meso-NH. 16th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation, 30 Juillet - 3 Août 2012, Leipzig, Germany.
  • Pinty, J.-P., C. Barthe, E. Defer, E. Richard, and M. Chong, Explicit simulations of electrified mixed-phase clouds in MesoNH : from semi-idealized to first real-case studies. 16th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation, 30 Juillet - 3 Août 2012, Leipzig, Germany.
  • Barthe, C., M. Chong, and J.-P. Pinty, Description and evaluation of the updated electrical scheme in Meso-NH. 14th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, 8-12 Août 2011, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  • Soula, S., O. van der Velde, J. Montanyà, P. Huet, and C. Barthe, Video and colour photo analysis of five gigantic jets observed near Réunion island. 14th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, 8-12 Août 2011, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  • Tsenova, B., C. Barthe, R. Mitzeva, and J.-P. Pinty, Numerical simulations of thunderstorm with Meso-NH using different non-inductive electrification schemes. 14th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, 8-12 Août 2011, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  • Bovalo, C., C. Barthe, J.-P. Pinty, M. Chong, W. Deierling, and M. C. Barth, Can some dynamical and microphysical parameters be used as proxies for the total flash rate ? A modeling study. 14th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, 8-12 Août 2011, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
  • Defer, E., T. Farges, C. Barthe, C. Bovalo, J.-P. Pinty, M. Chong, S. Soula, and P. Ortega, Natural lightning flashes : from observation to modelling. Semaine de l’Astrophysique Francaise, Atelier Couplage Atmosphère/Ionosphère : phénomènes électriques (TLE, TGF, éclairs), physico-chimie, 20-23 Juin 2011, Paris, France.
  • Ibrahim, C., F. Chane-Ming, C. Barthe, and Y. Kuleshov, Diagnosis of tropical cyclone activity through gravity wave energy density in the South West Indian Ocean. 16th Conference on the Middle Atmosphere, 23-27 January 2011, Seattle, Washington, USA.
  • Ibrahim, C., F. Chane-Ming, C. Barthe, and N. Bidjee, Observational and numerical studies of gravity waves during tropical cyclone Ivan (2008). Micho Yanai Symposium, 24-27 January 2011, Seattle, Washington, USA.
  • Molinari, J., E. Fukada, B.K. Bandyopadhyay, C. Barthe, A. Burton, J. Hawkins, M. Kunitsugu, R. Pasch, C. Velden and A. Waqaicelua, Observation capabilities and opportunities, 7th International Workshop on Tropical Cyclones (IWTC-7) report, 15-20 November 2010, La Réunion, France.
  • Barthe, C., N. Asencio, J.-P. Lafore, M. Chong, B. Campistron, and F. Cazenave, Multi-scale analysis of the 25-27 July 2006 convective period over Niamey : Doppler radar observations and simulations. 29th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, 10-14 May 2010, Tucson, Arizona, USA.
  • Barthe, C., N. Asencio, J.-P. Lafore, M. Chong, and B. Campistron, Multi-scale analysis of the 25-27 July 2006 convective period over Niamey : comparison between Doppler radar observations and cloud-resolving simulations. 3rd International AMMA Conference, 20-24 Juillet 2009, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
  • Mari, C., C. Barthe, J.-P. Chaboureau, P. Tulet, H. Huntrieser, H. Höller, F. Roux, and J.-P. Pinty, Tracing vertical transport by mesoscale convective systems over West Africa. 3rd International AMMA Conference, 20-24 Juillet 2009, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.
  • Barthe, C., and M. C. Barth, Evaluation of a new lightning-produced NOx parameterization for cloud-resolving models. 15th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation, 7-11 Juillet 2008, Cancun, Mexique.
  • Barth, M. C., C. Barthe, W. Skamarock, and M. Weisman, Effects of deep convection on chemical species transport, sources and scavenging in the Central US. 15th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation, 7-11 Juillet 2008, Cancun, Mexique.
  • Barthe, C., and J.-P. Pinty, An explicit electrical scheme for use in a cloud resolving model. 14th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation, 19-23 Juillet 2004, Bologne, Italie.
  • Barthe, C., J.-P. Pinty, G. Molinié, and F. Roux, Development and first results of an explicit electrical scheme in the 3D mesoscale model Meso-NH. Communication orale, 12th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, 9-13 Juin 2003, Versailles, France.
  • Pinty, J.-P., G. Molinié, C. Barthe, and F. Roux, A semi-deterministic scheme to produce IC/CG lightnings in a 3D cloud resolving model. 12th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, 9-13 Juin 2003, Versailles, France.


  • Barthe, C., 2013 : Convection profonde : de la microphysique nuageuse aux éclairs, Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches de l’Université de La Réunion, 130 pp.
  • Barthe, C., 2005 : Etude de l’activité électrique des systèmes orageux à l’aide du modèle Meso-NH, Thèse de l’Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse III, 199 pp.

Formation/expérience professionnelle :

  • Depuis janv. 2009 - Laboratoire de l’Atmosphère et des Cyclones , La Réunion, France → CR CNRS : Etude de la microphysique et de l’activité électrique des systèmes convectifs tropicaux
  • Déc. 2007-déc. 2008 - Centre National de la Recherche Météorologique - Laboratoire d’Aérologie, Toulouse, France → Post-doc : Etude de la dynamique des systèmes convectifs d’Afrique de l’Ouest à partir de données radar et de la modélisation méso-échelle - Campagne AMMA.
  • Nov. 2006-nov. 2007 - National Center for Atmospheric Research , Boulder, Colorado, USA → Bourse ASP (Advanced Study Program) : Estimation de l’activité électrique des systèmes convectifs à partir des flux de masse de glace et production de NOx par les éclairs dans le modèle WRF
  • Oct.2005 -oct. 2006 - Laboratoire d’Aérologie , Toulouse, France→ Post-doc : Etude numérique du transport dans une ligne de grains d’Afrique de l’Ouest
  • Avril-juin 2004 - National Severe Storm Laboratory , Norman, Oklahoma, USA → Bourse ATUPS de l’Université Paul Sabatier (Toulouse) : Modélisation de l’activité électrique des nuages et comparaison avec le modèle du NSSL - Participation à la campagne de mesures Thunderstorm Electrification and Lightning EXperiment-2003
  • Oct. 2002 - sept. 2005 - Laboratoire d’Aérologie , Toulouse, France→ Thèse effectuée sous la direction de J.-P. Pinty et F. Roux et soutenue le 23 septembre 2005 à Toulouse (mention très honorable). "Etude de l’activité électrique des systèmes orageux à l’aide du modèle Meso-NH"