C-INV : Conférences données à l’invitation du Comité d’organisation dans un congrès national ou international

Plu, M., T. Dupont, P. Caroff and G. Faure. Uncertainty cones deduced from an ensemble prediction system, International workshop on tropical cyclone ensemble forecasting, 14-16 December 2011, Nanjing, China.

Plu, M., T. Dupont, S. Langlade and N. Girardot. Ensemble Forecasting at RSMC La Réunion, International workshop on tropical cyclone ensemble forecasting, 14-16 December 2011, Nanjing, China.

C-ACTI : Communications avec actes dans un congrès international

Buguet, M., S. Coquillat, S. Soula, C. Barthe, O. Bousquet, M. Chong, and E. Defer. Relationships between lightning activity, microphysics and kinematics in thunderclouds: a case study observed by S and C band radars in the South of France (HyMeX SOP area). 7th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology, 24-29 June 2012, Toulouse, France.

Campistron, B. and A. Réchou. Rain kinetic energy measurement with a UHF wind profiler: application to soil erosion survey of a volcanic tropical island, 13th international workshop on technical and scientific aspects of MST radars, 19-23 March 2012, Kühlungsborn, Germany.

Leroux, M.-D., 2012. Interaction between a midlatitude upper-level trough and tropical cyclone Dora (2007) over the Southwest Indian Ocean, 30th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, 15-20 April 2012, Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida, USA.

Pinty, J.-P., C. Barthe, E. Defer, E. Richard, and M. Chong. Explicit simulations of electrified mixed-phase clouds in MesoNH: from semi-idealized to first real-case studies. 16th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation, 30 July-3 August 2012, Leipzig, Germany.

Réchou, A. and B. Campistron. One-Year analysis of rain and rain erosivity in a tropical volcanic island from UHF wind profiler measurements, 9th International Symposium on Tropospheric Profiling, 3-7 September 2012, L’Aquila, Italy.

Tsenova, B., J.-P. Pinty, R. Mitzeva and C. Barthe. Do anomalous zones of non-inductive charging influence the electrical state of the thunderstorms: Numerical experiments with Meso-NH. 16th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation, 30 July-3 August 2012, Leipzig, Germany.

Barthe, C., M. Chong, and J.-P. Pinty. Description and evaluation of the updated electrical scheme in Meso-NH. 14th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, 8-12 August 2011, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Bovalo, C., C. Barthe, J.-P. Pinty, M. Chong, W. Deierling and M. C. Barth. Can some dynamical and microphysical parameters be used as proxies for the total flash rate? A modeling study. 14th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, 8-12 August 2011, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Soula, S., O. van der Velde, J. Montanya, P. Huet, and C. Barthe. Video and colour photo analysis of five gigantic jets observed near Réunion island. 14th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, 8-12 August 2011, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Tsenova, B., C. Barthe, R. Mitzeva, and J.-P. Pinty. Numerical simulations of thunderstorm with Meso-NH using different non-inductive electrification schemes. 14th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, 8-12 August 2011, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Barbary, D. and Y.-L. Lin. The orographic effects of Reunion island on tropical cyclone tracks, 29th AMS Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, 10-14 May 2010, Tucson, Arizona, USA.

Burton, A., L. Bernardet, G. Faure, D. Herndon, J. Knaff, Y.S. Li, J. Mayers, F. Radjab, C. Sampson and A. Waqaicelua. Structure and intensity change: Operational guidance, 7th International Workshop on Tropical Cyclones, 15-20 November 2010, Reunion Island.

Evans, J.-L., E. Atallah, L. Avila, S. A. Braun, A. Burton, J. Callaghan, J. C. L. Chan, K. Cheung, M. D. Eastin, G. Elliott, K. A. Emanuel, J. R. Gyakum, E. A. Hendricks, J. A. Knaff, M. E. Kucas, G. M. Lackmann, M.-D. Leroux, L. M. Leslie, M. S. Peng, M. Plu, E. D. Rappin, J. Schwendike, B. Tang, K. Tory, B. Wang and Y. Wang. Environmental impacts on tropical cyclone structure and intensity change, 7th International Workshop on Tropical Cyclones, 15-20 November 2010, Reunion Island.

Leroux, M.-D., Prediction and diagnosis of the motion and rapid intensification of typhoon Sinlaku during TCS08 (Tropical Cyclone Structure experiment, 2008), 29th AMS Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, 10-14 May 2010, Tucson, Arizona, USA.

Molinari, J., E. Fukada, B.K. Bandyopadhyay, C. Barthe, A. Burton, J. Hawkins, M. Kunitsugu, R. Pasch, C. Velden and A. Waqaicelua. Observation capabilities and opportunities, 7th International Workshop on Tropical Cyclones, 15-20 November 2010, Reunion Island.

Shay, L.K., M. M. Ali, D. Barbary, E. A. D'Asaro, G. Halliwell, J. Doyle, C. Fairall, I. Ginis, I-I Lin, I-J Moon, P. Sandery, E. Uhlhorn and A. Wada. Air-sea interface and oceanic influences, 7th International Workshop on Tropical Cyclones, 15-20 November 2010, Reunion Island.

Samson, G., D. Barbary, H. Giordani, G. Caniaux and F. Roux. Influence of an oceanic warm anomaly on the intensity of tropical cyclone Dora (2007) in the south west Indian Ocean, 89th AMS Annual Meeting, 16th Conference on Air-Sea Interaction, 10-19 January 2009, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.

Jolivet, S., D. Barbary, F. Chane-Ming, F. Roux and S. Westrelin. The effect of La Réunion island (Indian Ocean) on tropical cyclone Dina (2002): a comparative numerical study, AMS 28th Conference on hurricanes and tropical meteorology, 28 April - 2 May 2008, Orlando, Florida, USA.

Samson, G., H. Giordani, G. Caniaux, D. Barbary and F. Roux. Analysis of a resonant-like regime in the oceanic mixed layer induced by a hurricane, AMS, 28th Conference on hurricanes and tropical meteorology, 28 April-2 May 2008, Orlando, Florida, USA.

C-ACTN : Communications avec actes dans un congrès national

Defer, E., T. Farges, C. Barthe, C. Bovalo, J.-P. Pinty, M. Chong, S. Soula and P. Ortega. Natural lightning flashes: from observation to modelling. Semaine de l'Astrophysique Francaise, Atelier Couplage Atmosphère/Ionosphère : phénomènes électriques (TLE, TGF, éclairs), physico-chimie, 20-23 Juin 2011, Paris.

Faure, G., S. Pellerin et A. Coupin. Impact de l'interface océan atmosphère sur la prévision des cyclones tropicaux dans Aladin-Réunion, Ateliers de modélisation de l’Atmosphère, 27-29 janvier 2009, Toulouse.

Samson, G., D. Barbary, H. Giordani, G. Caniaux et F. Roux. Influence de l'océan superficiel et du contenu thermique océanique sur l'intensité du cyclone tropical Dora (2007) dans le bassin indien sud-ouest, Ateliers de modélisation de l’Atmosphère, 27-29 janvier 2009, Toulouse.