Filtre ajouté :
News Station de Marelongue Zostérops complex Le CBN-CPIE Mascarin au Piton Mare d'Arzule La SEOR : Société d'Etudes Ornithologiques de La Réunion Glomeremus orchidophilus (Gryllacridiae) Summer School
Contacts CONTACTS For reservations, send a request to the following email address:e-mail: stationmarelongue[at]univ-reunion. remove-this. fr For more information, please contact: VALERY Audrey e-mail
Détail actualité
About Facilities People AH-PENG Claudine - Project manager Claudine completed her PhD in Botany in 2007 at the University of La Réunion, she then did her post doctoral studies at the University of Cap
Visiting Booking Guestbook Network Thomas GIAMBELLUCA Steve JOHNSON Professor at the University of KwaZulu Natal Research Interests: The ecology o
About Facilities People Mare-Longue Research Station (MRS) is an infrastructure built in 2012, for terrestrial ecology which focuses mainly on native ecosystems of the Mascarenes archipelago. It aims
About Facilities People Life at the station The station includes: - 2 dorms with 6 beds each , with mattress, mattress protector and fitted sheet provided, - A kitchen with fridge, oven, pans, dishes
Le numérique à l'université de La Réunion DSI Direction des Systèmes d'information Commande DAIL Demande de travaux Votre compte informatique D2IP Direction de l'Innovation et de l'Ingénierie Pédagogi
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